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Are you worried about anyone, please talk to us, we are here to help you!

Safeguarding and Welfare

We take our responsibility to protect and support the safety and wellbeing of our learners and staff seriously. We’re committed to making sure our safeguarding practices follow all legal requirements, government guidelines, and the best standards available. 

Our goal is to work with both staff and learners to help them understand and apply important safeguarding principles, British Values, and the importance of equality, diversity, and inclusion - both in the workplace and in the wider community. 


Safeguarding is everyone’s responsibility

We have a clear and thorough recruitment process to ensure we hire staff who are committed to safety. We carry out background checks on everyone who works with us. For roles that involve direct contact with learners, we require an Enhanced check from the Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) before they can start. We also require references from most recent employers. All candidates will also need to show a good understanding of safeguarding that relates to the role they’re applying for and complete induction training as well as ongoing training throughout the year.  


The Safeguarding Team

The safeguarding team consists of:

  • Designated Safeguarding Lead - Allison Collis (07741 743 618)
  • Deputy Safeguarding Lead and Pastoral Coordinator - Janine Ridley (07771 672 491)

Our Safeguarding team are fully trained and hold at least a Level 3 safeguarding qualification. 


If you are worried about yourself or someone else

If you’re concerned about yourself or someone else, we’re here to help. We are fully dedicated to creating and maintaining a safe and supportive environment for everyone. Our Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) and Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead (DDSL) is available to listen, offer guidance, and support you if you have any worries or concerns, whether related to your learning, job, or home life.  

If you have a concern, please talk to your skills tutor, reach out to one of the DSLs, or submit a form using the link below. We can offer support and direct you to external agencies if more specialised help is needed. Additionally, we have access to The Better Health Generation for learners and staff who may need free mental health support. 

We work with various external agencies and partners to ensure the safety of everyone. While we will always seek your consent before contacting someone or making a referral outside our organisation, there may be times when, for your safety or the safety of others, we need to take action without consent. 


Report A Concern

Our Safeguarding Team are here to help with any worries or concerns that learners/apprentices may have. We can also provide support and guidance to employers, family members or other individuals who are worried about a Woodspeen Training/JTM learner/apprentice. This is a confidential service. 

Contact us

Please complete the form below and a member of the team will be in touch. 

GDPR Notice: Please be aware that by contacting us via this form that your information will be used in order for us to service your enquiry. Your data is managed within the terms of our Privacy Policy.

Report a Concern

Speak directly with one of our Safeguarding team members

Designated Safeguarding Lead – Allison Collis 07741 743 618 


Deputy Safeguarding Lead and Pastoral Coordinator - Janine Ridley 07771 672 491


Safeguarding Training

All staff are required to undertake mandatory safeguarding training to ensure their knowledge and practice is up to date.

Safeguarding is highlighted to learners and employers during induction stages and throughout their learning journey with us.

Equality, diversity, and inclusion

We are dedicated to creating a safe, respectful, and inclusive learning environment where everyone can thrive. Our goal is to ensure that all learners have the opportunity to reach their full potential and achieve to the highest standard. We are committed to offering tailored support to learners who may need extra assistance to succeed in their qualifications. Please contact the team if you feel you may need additional support. 

Safeguarding and Prevent Policy

All of our policies and procedures align with the guidance set out in Keeping Children Safe in Education and Working Together to Safeguard Children. For more information, please refer to our latest  safeguarding and prevent policy


We are committed to preventing extremism and radicalisation. We recognise the current risks posed by terrorism and extremism in the United Kingdom, which may involve the exploitation of vulnerable individuals, including children and young people. 

Our goal is to support the prevention of individuals being drawn into extremism and terrorism. We do this by regular training and safeguarding bulletins for all staff. 

If apprentices or learners have concerns about a potential terrorist act or believe someone may be involved in extremism, they are encouraged to contact our Safeguarding team for support. 


Designated Safeguarding Lead – Allison Collis 07741 743 618 

Deputy Safeguarding Lead and Pastoral Coordinator - Janine Ridley 07771 672 491


Support Organisations

Wherever welfare issues are brought to our attention, we aim to find the most helpful sources of support for apprentices, learners, and staff. We signpost to a wide range of organisations, including: 

Mental Health Support Network

Provided by Chasing the Stigma | Hub of hope. It is a national mental health service database all in one place to break mental health stigma. Their mission and message to people is ‘there is always hope’. You can type in your postcode, what type of support you need, and it will advise you on organisations and services within your area that can help, including with mental health problems, struggles and conditions.



Where to get urgent help for mental health - NHS

NHS Mental Health Urgent Response Team provides specialist assessment, advice, and signposting for vulnerable adults with moderate, severe, and enduring symptoms of complex mental illness such as severe depression, as well as conditions like schizophrenia and bipolar disorder. 




Promotes the views and needs of people with mental health problems, offering various forms of self-help, therapy, and counselling services.



NHS England » Children and Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHs) Inpatient Services

National mental health service that work with children and young people who have difficulties with their mental health or wellbeing. Once a referral has taken place, a support plan will be agreed with the relevant professionals, an asset centred approach for early identification, prevention and early intervention. They help 0-18 years, and in some cases up to 25 years of age who have emotional and behavioural difficulties.



The Samaritans

Provide advice to people having a difficult time or in crisis. They have a helpline open 24 hours a day, 365 days a year and can also be contacted by email. You can also access guidance and support on their website for yourself or if you are worried about someone else.




An estimated 2,440 people are sleeping rough on any one night in England and across the UK there are more than 318,000 households seeking support for housing issues. Shelter has a helpline, an online chat support, and several local offices across the country.



Cruse Bereavement Support

Free support and advice to help you deal with loss, understanding and coping with grief of losing a loved one.



National Domestic Abuse Helpline

1 in every 4 women experiences domestic abuse in their lifetime, and 2 women are killed each week by a current or former partner in the UK. The National Domestic Violence Helpline has a 24 hour helpline, online chat support and a variety of information and support.



Men's Advice Line

1 in every 6-7 men experiences domestic abuse in their lifetime, and 1 man is killed each month by a current or former partner in the UK. The Men’s Advice Line has a free telephone support service, online chat service, and online support and information.

Safeguarding library

Educate Against Hate - Prevent Radicalisation & Extremism

Information, advice, and resources for parents and educators to prevent vulnerable and young people being drawn into extremism and radicalisation.



NSPCC | The UK children's charity

Safeguarding information, advice, and resources for parents, educators, and young people.



The Prevent Duty | LGFL

Designed with KCSIE, Ofsted, and with the Prevent duty guidance in mind, this page offers up to date Prevent training, quality-assured resources for safeguarding teams, staff, parents, and carers. 



Safeguarding Adults Boards England

Information on the Adult Safeguarding Boards in England.