Safeguarding and Welfare
We acknowledge the duty of care to safeguard, protect and promote the welfare of our learners and staff, we are committed to ensuring safeguarding practice reflects statutory responsibilities, government guidance, and complies with best practice.
We aim to develop, with our staff and learners the knowledge, understanding and ability to apply safeguarding principles, British Values, equality, diversity, and inclusion within their workplace and wider community.
Safeguarding is everyone’s responsibility
We have a safer recruitment procedure that is followed when recruiting new staff. Safe recruitment checks are made on everyone who works for us.
Those roles which involve direct contact with learners require an Enhanced check being made with the Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) before joining us.
All interviewees will be required to demonstrate an understanding of safeguarding that is relevant to the role that they are applying for.
The Safeguarding Team
The safeguarding team consists of:
- Designated Safeguarding Lead - Gina Stephens
- Deputy Safeguarding Lead and Pastoral Coordinator - Janine Ridley
All our Safeguarding team are fully trained and hold a Level 3 safeguarding qualification in addition to further mandatory training that all staff undertake.
If you are worried about yourself or someone else
We are here to help you and are fully committed to creating and maintaining a safe and positive environment. We have a team of Designated Safeguarding Leads (DSL) who are here to listen, help and support you should you have any worries or concerns whether that is in relation to your learning, employment, or your home life.
If you have a worry, please speak with your skills tutor, contact one of the DSL’s, or submit a form on the submit form button below.
We can offer support and help to signpost learners to external agencies when specialist support is required. We also have access to The Better Health Generation for learners and staff who may require specialist support with mental health.
We work with a range of outside agencies and service partners in respect of safeguarding. We will almost always speak with you to get your consent if it is necessary to speak to someone or make a referral outside of our organisation, but there may be times, for the safety and protection of yourself or others, that we do this without consent.
Report A Concern
Our Safeguarding Team are here to help with any worries or concerns that learners/apprentices may have. We can also provide support and guidance to employers, family members or other individuals who are worried about a Woodspeen Training/JTM learner/apprentice. This is a confidential service.
Please complete the form below and a member of the team will be in touch within one working day.
GDPR Notice: Please be aware that by contacting us via this form that your information will be used in order for us to service your enquiry. Your data is managed within the terms of our Privacy Policy.
Speak directly with one of our Safeguarding team member 07867 260 276
Janine Ridley - Safeguarding Lead and Pastoral Coordinator 07771 672 491
Safeguarding Training
All staff are required to undertake mandatory safeguarding training to ensure their knowledge and practice is up to date.
Safeguarding is highlighted to learners and employers during induction stages and throughout their learning journey with us.
Equality, diversity, and inclusion
We are committed to providing a safe and respectful learning environment, at all times. We will ensure that the learning environment is inclusive so that all learners can achieve to their fullest potential and to a high standard. We will provide help and support to learners who may require additional support to achieve their qualifications.
Safeguarding and Prevent Policy
All our policy and procedures follow guidance in the Ofsted Handbook, Keeping Children Safe in Education and Working Together to Safeguard Children. Please see our latest safeguarding and prevent policy.
Supporting the prevention of extremism and radicalisation: We recognise and monitor the current threat from terrorism and extremism in the United Kingdom and know that this can involve (but is not limited to) the exploitation of vulnerable people, including children and young people.
We are committed to preventing people from being drawn into extremism and terrorism. If apprentices or learners have concerns about a possible terrorist act; or concerns about any individual they believe may be involved in extremism, they can contact our Safeguarding team.
Wherever welfare issues are brought to our attention, we aim to find the most helpful sources of support for apprentices, learners, and staff. We signpost to a wide range of organisations, including: