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Case study: Abbie Portas

Abbie Portas explains why an apprenticeship was the right choice for her

Abbie Portas, 18, is an apprentice with Peak Pharmacy and has nearly completed her level 2 Pharmacy Services Assistant apprenticeship. We spoke to her to find out why she chose an apprenticeship in Pharmacy, and how Peak Pharmacy has supported her. 

Woodspeen Training (WT): What made you choose a pharmacy apprenticeship?
Abbie Portas (AP): During Covid I worked in a vaccination centre and really enjoyed it, I connected with the patients, and wanted to continue helping people. I saw an advert for an apprenticeship at Peak Pharmacy, Chesterfield and it seemed like the right thing for me. 

WT: What do you feel has been the benefit of doing an apprenticeship? 
AP: I’d tried college, studying health and social care, and travel and tourism but didn’t feel the college environment was the one for me. My apprenticeship suits me because I’m learning new skills and I’m also in the workplace earing a salary at the same time. 


Abbie Portas, Peak Pharmacy, with Kim Morrison, Woodspeen Training.


WT: How to do you fit your apprenticeship study in? 
AP: I do some every day. When I first started I was doing my 6 hours in one day but that made it feel too much like college, changing it into smaller more manageable chunks suited both me and the pharmacy. I’m learning all the time even when I’m not doing my coursework, the team here are always teaching me new skills. 

Abbie Portas working in pharmacy


WT: So you find being shown something makes a difference? 
AP: Yes, it’s definitely better than being sat in a classroom being told about it. I’m still doing an element of classroom learning but I couldn’t do the same hands-on learning that I’m doing here if I was at college. 

WT: What are your plans for the future 
AP: My main focus right now is qualifying, that should happen in the next couple of months and I’m hoping to stay on here as a Dispenser. I might look into the level 3 Pharmacy Technician apprenticeship to see what’s involved in taking that.  

WT: What is it like being an apprentice for Woodspeen Training? 
AP: It took me a little while to get my head around APTEM (the online learning portal) but my tutor helped me with that. Woodspeen Training have been helpful and answered any questions I had when I first started the course with them. Not only have Woodspeen Training been great but without the team here at Peak Pharmacy I wouldn’t have enjoyed my course as much.      

WT: What’s your favourite part of your job?
AP: I really enjoy all of it, helping the patients, working with the team, they’ve been so welcoming and supportive and cheered me on every step of the way. 

If you’re interested in an apprenticeship in pharmacy, learn more about the courses and find out the vacancies we have with employers in your area. 

If you’re a pharmacy and what to understand how apprentices can make a difference in your business our team is ready to answer all your questions, contact them now.

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