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Case study: Rebecca Wigmore - Skills Bootcamp in Pharmacy

The breadth of people taking part in our Skills Bootcamp in Pharmacy is amazing. We have met people that are starting out in their careers, those that are changing direction for a variety of reasons, and those that are returning to the workforce after a period away from it. 

Rebecca is an amazing person that has really embraced the Skills Bootcamp in Pharmacy and is determined to grasp the opportunity with both hands. 


Name: Rebecca Wigmore 

Age: 31
Course: Skills Bootcamp in Pharmacy

Woodspeen Training (WT): What made you choose to participate in the Skills Bootcamp in Pharmacy? 
Rebecca Wigmore (RW): I wanted to do something with my life other than being a parent and I was looking for something to do with medicine, so my work coach got me on to the Skills Bootcamp in Pharmacy. 

WT: How have you found the programme? 
RW: It’s been very good and very intriguing and interesting. 

WT: What were your favourite parts and why? 
RW: There were a few but the main part is the science side of things I enjoy science and find it really interesting. 

Also doing a work placement at Manor Pharmacy, I really enjoyed actually trying it out in a pharmacy and meeting the staff there.

WT: What are you going to do after you’ve completed the programme? 
RW: I am hoping to start an apprenticeship with Manor Pharmacy and complete the Level 2 and hopefully progress onto the Level 3.


Our Skills Bootcamp in Pharmacy has supported people over the age of 19, living in Greater Manchester to learn more about the Pharmacy sector to support them into work. For all the information on the programme and how to employ one of our participants check out our Skills Bootcamp in Pharmacy page